The Adventure

    In 2009 during my 3rd semester at the College of Charleston I ventured out to Jacksonboro, South Carolina with 3 of my good friends. We had been driving for approximately half an hour when the navigation lady said, "right turn approaching in 200-yards". Instantly all of us looked for the road but to our astonishment saw 3 deer in the road instead. We all screamed while Ally veered away from hitting these montrosities, seconds later our turn came up and we coasted down Parkers Ferry Road.
    To the untrained eyes this road seemed pretty normal, but to our trained eagle eyes we knew that deep down it was haunted by the dead preacher. The woods surrounded both sides of the road, crickets chirped uncontrolably, and the moon was as bright as I'd ever seen it. We continued down the road for about 2 miles before we saw the infamous church. We pulled into the driveway, flashed our lights 5 times, got out of the car, then yelled, "preacher, preacher I know where your daughter is". Instantly the crickets stopped chirping and we all became paranoid. Against our better judgement we pulled out of the church and drove in the direction we had just come from for about 3/4 of a mile, then pulled to the side of the road. 
    Only seconds had gone by when we saw a red light appear in the distance. This wasn't a regular red light though, this light was swaying back and forth and getting closer too! The girls couldn't handle it so they got back in the car and locked the doors. Chris and I hadn't figured it out yet though, there had to be something about it! We watched without breaking contact for about 5 minutes before the girls had decided it had gotten too close and we had to leave. I haven't been back since and continue to wonder what the swaying light could possibly have been.